Since you are supposed to write Java Programs, you should install JDK, which includes JRE. JDK (Java Development Kit), which includes JRE plus the development tools (such as compiler and debugger), is needed for writing as well as running Java programs. JRE (Java Runtime) is needed for running Java programs. The JDK is freely available from Sun Microsystems (now part of Oracle). As a result, those packages have moved, and this will require changes to package imports.The Java Development Kit (JDK), officially named "Java Platform Standard Edition" or " Java SE", is needed for writing Java programs. Oracle has chosen the Eclipse Foundation as the new home for the Java Platform Enterprise Edition.Due to lack of browser support for Java plugins, the Applet API has been deprecated.The “var” keyword only affects local variables, and the Type Inference keeps you repeating the same text over and over again A developer-friendly keyword “var” was added to help to reduce boilerplate coding.This is very interesting for serverless-compute and one-offs in Kubernetes A REPL (read-eval-print-loop) tool, JShell, was added to support interactive programming, similar to what is available in Python.Modularization also enables code to be refactored for easier maintenance, through a self-describing collection of code, data, and resources. The introduction of modularity to better support scaling down to small computing devices.However, the biggest differences between Java 8 and Java 11 are: There are always a lot of little things that go into a release of Java, or any product for that matter.